
May 16, 20181 min


SwimJamaica has named a new management team to lead its drive to give an opportunity for every Jamaican to learn to swim. Miss Valencia Cowan has been appointed Manager Administration and Public Relations and Mr. Nevin Cooke as Manager Operations. Both are Graduates of the Caribbean School of Sport Science at UTECH.

Nevin Cooke graduated in 2016 with a Bsc. In Sport Science majoring in Athletic Training while Valencia Cowan completed her major in Sport Management in 2015 and so are equipped with the necessary tools to lead the drive to get Jamaica swimming.

While working to modernize the administrative functions of the organization, the new Management Team will work to increase the number students using the Jamaica learn to swim curriculum by 25% within a year. Almost one thousand (1,000) students are currently enrolled in SwimJamaica School and Franchise programmes

Mr. Nevin Cooke, Manager Operations

Email: n.cooke@swimjamaica.com

Phone: 876 926 1514

SwimJamaica email: info@swimjamaica.com

Miss. Valencia Cowan, Manager Administration and Public Relations

Phone: 876 926 1514

Email: v.cowan@swimjamaica.com

SwimJamaica was launched in 2005 with high quality, progressive children and adult learn to swim programmes that are safe, fun and accessible to all. The Head Office is located at the National Aquatics Centre, Independence Park, Kingston.
